We are a non-profit society that is open to anyone with an interest in fossils.

About Us

We hold meetings throughout the year featuring talks from both amateur and professional paleontologists on various aspects of paleontology. We also organize field trips, usually from March to October. These range from local day trips to weekend trips. We also maintain a growing fossil collection for display and educational purposes.

How do I join?

Membership is open to anyone with an interest in fossils. Our meetings are free and open to the public, however a membership is required if you wish to attend our field trips. Current annual dues are Can$30 (for individuals and families). A membership entitles you and your family to access the BCPA Journal and to attend all VanPS field trips, as well as field trips organized by the other regional societies that are part of the BCPA.

When and where are the meetings?

Please see our Calendar page for information on our meetings and field trips.

Members of the Vancouver Paleontological Society are urged to encourage others to inform themselves of our Code of Ethics and follow its principles. Members who fail to adhere by this Code may have their membership in the organization revoked. Please also review the British Columbia Paleontological Alliance (BCPA) policies.